Thinking Out of the Box in English Linguistics, Language Teaching, Translation and Terminology
Proceedings of the XXIX AIA Conference
The contributions collected in this volume are a selection of papers presented at the XXIX AIA conference.
The contributions collected in this volume are a selection of papers presented at the XXIX AIA conference. They explore a variety of linguistic phenomena using “out-of-the-box” approaches. Getting out of the box challenges us to consider possibilities previously not even imagined, and to extend our vision – of the world and ourselves – to include alternative, complementary, or even contrasting perspectives. It means engaging in self-reflective, creative and/or lateral thinking, beyond what is obvious or commonplace, or even implicit in what we say and do. Most of all, it means becoming aware of the existence of “the box” (i.e. what we take for granted and how this conditions our conduct) and also being willing to question the validity of our convictions so as to expand our knowledge. In linguistics, language teaching, translation studies and terminology, it may involve re-labelling phenomena and concepts; investigating familiar communicative practices through novel methods; checking whether the concepts we use are suitable for describing the phenomena we study; determining to what extent our claims and assumptions are supported by the evidence available; and exploring approaches that are sometimes claimed to have reached the limits of their potential. Thinking out of the box may also be considered in terms of innovation, creativity, a rethinking of attitudes and approaches, and even a “daring” return to theories and practices that may have been swept aside in the drive to move ever forward.