Buddhist Psychology of Death
This study embarks on an exploration of Buddhism’s potential as a psychological antidote to the prevailing anxiety stemming from the enigmatic nature of death.
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The emerging field of psycho-thanatology delves into the intricate interplay between cultural constructs of mortality and psychological well-being, with a specific emphasis on the role of spirituality in ameliorating the apprehension of death. This study embarks on an exploration of Buddhism’s potential as a psychological antidote to the prevailing anxiety stemming from the enigmatic nature of death. Drawing upon anthropological and philological insights, the investigation centers on three primary facets: firstly, an inquiry into whether the Buddhist conception of death effectively addresses the nihilistic anxiety attendant to the unknown; secondly, an examination of how Buddhism constructs a comprehensive psychological framework pertaining to death and rebirth, encompassing elements such as nibbāna and the symbiotic connection between the Buddha figure and immortality; thirdly, an exploration of the nexus between contemplative practices, the transcendence of worldly experiences (lokuttara), and the psychological approach to mortality intrinsic to Buddhism. This work undertakes an analysis of Buddhism’s distinctive psychological perspective, which notably challenges Western dualistic paradigms of mortality. Within this purview, the investigation posits inquiries into whether Buddhism offers a psychological palliative for the fear of death and how it may deepen our understanding of the role of mindfulness in confronting the profound existential dilemma posed by mortality. In conclusion, subsequent to the exposition of perspectives on life and death within the framework of Buddhist psychology, the text analyzes the notion of life as an institution and the management thereof within the socio-cultural apparatus, consistently drawing upon insights provided by the Buddhist ascetic experience.